On 18/04/2012 15:27, zeljko wrote:


> In LCL there is

> Screen.DisableForms()

+1 , that's why I implemented hiding of modal form as it is - it simply works on all platforms, and Delphi behaviour looks pretty unlogical to me (but even that can work - see my today patches attached at issue).

Well IMHO the problem is not to find a way to change it (though that might be on some platforms...)

The problem is:
 There may be LCL apps out there relying on the current behaviour of Hide()

That raises the question: Is this issue important enough to risk breaking them.

If this was 100% clearly a bug. Or 100% clearly a break of compatibility to documented Delphi features, then maybe

But this is not a bug.
And Delphi docs, IMHO are not making a 100% clear statement about this.

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