Marco van de Voort schrieb:
On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 12:28:54AM +0100, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
is dangerous if they are not all the same encoding. If there is any
mismatch, it will be converted down to default encoding.
Then the implementation is wrong.

Wrong according to you.

Wrong, or better *broken*, with regards to expected results.

Not wrong according to defined Microsoft

Where do you see Microsoft applications using Ansi strings, nowadays?

This way of top-down thinking will turn FPC into a Java, where you are
lugging along an own platform-within-an-platform everywhere.

That's what FPC and Lazarus do already: they assume an UTF-8 environment, till now. That's okay for all targets execpt Windows, where a UTF-8/16 conversion is required on the app-WinAPI boundary.


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