| While I agree with most your statements, I do think you unnecessarily
| limit yourself, because:
| Applications *can* be based around TForm in Lazarus (or Delphi). We have a 
application with
| 600+ forms, all of them descendents from a self-written TCustomForm 
descendent. And
| so; designing this all in code would have cost much more time.

Actually I admit, one of my larger applications is based around forms too.. it 
would be
nice to drop components onto a container I think though...which is still 
visible at design
time, but not visible at run time (some times the components like pop-up menus, 
menus, etc. get hidden or get shoved underneath components, so would be better 
maybe if
they were in a container rather than a form).

Another problem comes with forms sometimes if your application is just a CGI 
app or
server, and has no form at all.. so a "container" would be handy. A container 
that just
acts as visual helper for designing the application, but not compiled into the 

| Most forms do not have a single line of code, because we have integrated 
descendents of most
| visual components in the IDE, which do all the work for us. An IDE wizard 
| the complete form for us (well, about 95%). All that is left to do is 
implement some
data logic
| if needed, because even that often is not necessary any more: the
| components already do most of the work.
| The nice thing about Lazarus/Delphi is that they offer you the all basic 
components for
| but they don't limit your use of them (as e.g. in VB). You can go as deep as 
you want,

Yes and more people need to realize this.. For example lots of people don't 
even know how
easy it is to change the program keyword to 'library' for example and just 
create a DLL/DSO (with some minor modification, but really very little).

| ('Close to the system') but you don't have to if you don't want. The IDE 
gives you the
| best of both worlds: fast code development (good code tools), and visual 
| Do not underestimate the speed that the visual design gives you, if you make 
good use of

| As you say: you must use your tool, not let yourself be limited by it.
| Lazarus and Delphi allow this: they can be used well in all situations.

Lazarus more so ;-).. for example delphi can not create an operating system.
Lazarus/freepascal can.

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