Old topic I'm replying to. Just catching up on my email.

> > This is already possible? See http://www.freepascal.org/docs.html  the 
> > "with comments"
> > part.

Interesting, is there some sort of comment system on the unit references 
though, like for
example the ones created with FPDOC. Those are the ones I mean.

> >
> > I don't think there lies Pascal's strength. All those webengine systems are 
> > already
> > similar, and don't really show a particular strength of FPC/Pascal, they 
> > just formulate
> > the same problem with slightly different syntax.

The PHP for me and etc. are a waste of my time. I figure there are tons of 
developers using
ASP. I'm not talking about hustling over people from PHP into Pascal, I'm 
talking about
hustling people that use ASP and DELPHI over into Pascal.

> While this is correct, we should provide some paradigma to work with web-apps 
> in pascal.
> There have been some small efforts, but none really 'click'...

Because no one has demonstrated them. You are all using PHP wikis and etc. The 
reason things
become popular, is when people demonstrate their use. PHP sucked at one time. 
PHP was a
"hobby" by someone too.

> > Waste of good developer time. Maybe in time menubars can be more 
> > configurable.

Waste of god screen space you mean, to have a component palette visible when 
you don't
even use it. Same reason you turn off options dialogs once you are done with 
them., instead
of leaving them open all the time.

> > I'm afraid that this partially will fall into the same trap as Eclipse. The
> > I of IDE stands for integrated. Having major systems as the designer as 
> > plugin system is
> > giving up possible integration.

I rarely use integrated debugging. You don't need integrated environment for 
cliptext or
many other situations. What people need is an easy way to extend the IDE, not a 
complicated TThis TThat TClass TConstructor TEtc interface. I HATE writing 
plug-ins for
delphi - i.e. open tools API. It is way over my head, just to write a simple 
plug-in. This
is more important than anything integrated - ease of use.

> >
> > I think the current Lazarus architecture should never be pluggable or 
> > turned off. Maybe
> > plugin system can add additional form types.
> It can already. I recently wrote 2 articles about it for Toolbox (a German 
> journal).

I've searched for this article for a few months and never found it. Can you 
point me to it?

I want to see how complicated or how easy it is to write a plug in that way.

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