Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 18:52:10 -0300
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

They can.
For example: linux/gtk/german. People using an UTF8 font creates UTF8
umlaute and they are shown properly.
There are still some todos: key combos, right-to-left, gtk2.
I don't know what the situation is in win32.

I think that "key combos" is what I am missing. I usually type ' + A in order to get a Á, but gtk lazarus cannot recognize this. Can you point me in the direction of where (whitch function / unit) should this feature be inserted?

I'm not sure. The best would be, if the gtk interface would return the
correct keys.
Because it works in TEdit (=gtk_entry) this must be possible somehow.
We must find out, how gtk_entry does the trick. After that, I can tell you
where to put that code.

It is the way characters from gtk to synedit are translated. They all have to go through VK codes. The problem is that ' is defined as dead key. On gtk(1) there is no way to detect a dead key. Only after the A is pressed you get the (utf/iso) combination. AFAIR, this is for keydown/up events, on a keypress event the right char is send, however synedit isn't using this char.

For gtk native controls it is easier. They handle those keypress event internally and now thus the char. Getting utf text from that is no problem.


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