On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 20:25:46 +0100
dannym <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> patch attached.
> btw I'm not entirely sure if that ought to be split into multiple
> events, but my gut feeling says no (probably prejudice by gtk
> experience :)). 
> I changed the event name to comply with mostly every other event (i.e.
> OnHide, not OnHidden, likewise OnWindowStateChange, not
> OnWindowStateChanged :))

Thanks. Applied with modifications:
- it works only under gtk2
- for Delphi compatibility a WMSize message must be sent
- the interface should never call directly an LCL event. Always call an LCL
function, so that overriding and notification is possible.
- Should also work now for win32


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