Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
Vincent Snijders wrote:

* Does not affect multiplatform capabilities because windows will never send a message >= WM_USER unless the programmer has created code witch tells windows to send such messages. Even if Windows starts sending messages for no reason, I still don't see how this would affect Linux code.

But the user will send it, but does not receive it on linux?

I was thinking of messages sent using the Windows API.

What are other ways of sending custom messages?

If the LCL implements a multiplatform message sending routine, supose I use it to send a >= WM_USER multiplatform message. The messages gets locked in the win32 widgetset.

Now I want to retrive that message on WndProc. Where is it? It doesn´t get there, because it was locked in the widgetset.

What can the Widgetset do with that message? Nothing.

I don't I am very rational now, but maybe I just don't want this code in my LCL (or win32 interface), because I fear it will open a can of worms. I cannot really explain it, it is just a feeling. Therefore I will be happy with a define, at least a define to turn it off.

IMHO the way to do what you want to do, i.e. to receive a wm_user or higher message on win32, is to hook a windowproc using
OldWindowProc :=
  Windows.SetWindowLong(MyForm.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, MyWindowProc);

with MyWindowProc declared as a function (not of object).

Touching those wm_user messages in windowproc is a hack IMHO.

Of course if you convince Micha, Marc and Mattias, I won't fight it anymore, although I don't want to have my name on that commit.


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