On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 22:43:11 -0800, George Lober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Not sure what to make of the silence.

It is somewhat difficult to comment on the problems of a 8-year old,
not-any-more supported operating system which has several flaws
in its internals. I understand that you do not want to jump to XP for
various reasons and that is understandable. However, very few developers
are using older Windows versions and that is why very few can actually
help you.

I am not a big fan of Microsoft but as for things that have an impact
on my professional productivity I pay a few euros with pleasure. After
jumping from the toy OS (Win95) to the professional branch  (NT4,
Win2K and finally XP) I have had very few if any problems.


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