> Macros: To search for '$(ProjectDir)/*.lfm'
> SimpleSyntaxToRegExpr: To use masks like '*.txt'
> For example SimpleSyntaxToRegExpr(FilterAsText) converts '*.txt' into the
> regular expression '^.*\.txt$'.
> If you don't want to use regular expressions you can use
> FileInFilenameMasks
> See the comment at the function body.

Thanks the function is working now with regex support, including simpleformat 

Now I have some new questions though. According to the tutorial on lazarus-ccr 
a thread must never update the form, does this also apply to things like 
messagedialog and showmessage ? 
Because if so, then this function is not currently threadsafe and I need to 
hack it a little more (I at least intend to use it in threads).

For the record, the final function is going into olpack, possibly with a 
wrapper component later in case anybody else wants it.


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