----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dale Welch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lazarus@miraclec.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] TListView.CustomSort

> tstringgrid has most of the features you want in it built in 
> apparently... i was just looking at it's code.
> It can sort on any column.
> It can either do a standard ascii comparison or you provide 
> a routine which will compare the values and tell if they are <, =, >  
> you can provide your own draw routine to draw special items 
> instead of strings.
> HOWEVER, the sort routine doesn't seem to be working correctly. 
> it sorts differently each time i call it.  :-)
> ---dale

Are you using a recent Lazarus version?, On January 6, revision 8455 it was 
added to stringgrid a function (DoCompareCells) which fixes the radom sorting 
problem. However when doing Sorting through OnCompareCells and provided that 
OnCompareCells handler is correctly implemented it should work right, if not 
it's a bug and please submit a bug report about it (with a sample project it 
that is not too much to ask :D).

Jesus Reyes A.

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