A.J. Venter napisał(a):
Yes, since Mattias applied the patches to the main tree.
At this stage I am waiting for more clarity on where Darek's GTK1 work is
going before advancing mine so that the two can be kept in design sync.
What I can do for You now.

Heh, well what would actually be very usefull is if you send me a list of what 
you added for which widgets which were not handled by the existing code - 
Till now I've test or implement  setcolor and set font for tButton, tSpeedButton, tEdit, tListBox, tLabel.
I've test this widgets which I (or others tell me) use.

then I will have a good idea where to start implementing for mine, I already 
started picking up some special cases, notably that right now setcolor works 
for tpanel but setfont does not.

OK. now I may test tPanel
SInce gtk1 and gtk2 are so similiar I think it is a good thing if we keep our 
work synchronized because a lot of what one of us does will influence how the 
other should do things.
I don't have any plan, when I know a bug then I try to remove them.
Best is, when we make small test program  and work as long, as they work good.
What I think might be wise as well is if we start a wiki page (when the wiki 
is back) documenting which widgets we change and how - this will be very 
usefull to those working on other widget sets, e.g. the QT and Carbon set 
guys. While it won´t apply 100% to their sets if we can point out 80% of the 
special cases for fonts and colours, they only have to do 20% as much work :)
Thats not for me, my english is too poor


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