On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 23:37:08 +0100
darekM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Well, a theme bug... guess the theme author must go hide really well
> > now :)
> >
> > And usually then it isn't a TGroupBox any more but a TAlertableFrame
> > that is derived from TGroupBox and has some extra style properties like
> > "overloaded-reactor-color" ... :)
> >
> > I feel like I'm still missing your point :(
> >   
> Why You want all world move to theme.
> I know : theme are are good and we can do everything with it.
> But its only feature (its good ) not obligation
> Lazarus was made with one aspect: compatibility with Delphi and till now 
> it has no "theme thinking" at API layer.
> Of course we can all stuff prepare to theme, but many of us have hundred 
> thousand lines of code without theme, and now we all must move all code 
> to theme: what for? for new bugs, not necessary feature?

That's why the LCL maps the winapi functions, that are often used in Delphi
code, to themed functions.

> Not all people need theme, only working software. If they don't like 
> programs they change it.
> You can't tell: don't use Color only theme. Programmer have to know what 
> is better, he (not ) decided, if he goes wrong, he will not sell program.
> And when we talk about freedom: this is freedom to make mistake or not,
> Lazarus should (it can be) work with and without theme, even it 
> (programing without theme)  is bad

It's much simpler to implement one custom drawing function for a control,
then to map to various themed widgetsets. The LCL took the difficult and
more complex approach. Other people can contribute custom drawn controls. I
wonder, why there is not already a package providing some custom drawn
controls as there are so many for Delphi.

> When I say : live its not so simple, I think: nobody know all aspect and 
> environment of every program. One tools never be enough good to use in 
> any case.

Sure, but we try. :)


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