On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 19:12:50 +0200
"Christian U." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> since one or two weeks, the codetools dont find base.inc in windows.pp for
> me, i cant use anythiong that uses the codetools the ide is mostly
> unuseable. if i add the path manually to the codetools options this havent
> any effect. does any other person have those problems ?
> matthias can you have a look at the last changes please its very anoying.

I fixed that last week. But I only tested for under linux for cross
compiling to windows. Here rtl/win/wininc is added to the include path.

Please check:
Open fpc/rtl/win32/windows.pp
Or wince or win64.
Source Editor Popup Menu -> UnitInfo -> Show Codetools values -> #SRCOS =

And Environment -> Codetools defines editor -> free pascal sources ->
directory -> rtl -> if SrcOS=win -> include path
contains the wininc include path.


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