2006/5/11, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Right. It works only with code macros enabled.
If you want to fix it: ide/codemacroprompt.pas ExecuteCodeTemplate

Yep, I see in the code that the problem is not there. I feel the
pattern is trimmed before it reaches this funciton. But i can't find
where the function is called at all. The Windows find in file crap
finds nothing.

Any pointer from where the code is actually called and where the
patern is loaded?

There is also another problem: If I add the macro flag in a pattern
$(EnableMakros), when I reload the patern in the patern editor, the
macro flag is not showed any more... it is stripped (just as these
functions are doing). So you have no choices to edit manually the .dci
file to remove it.


Alexandre Leclerc

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