I suppose you could have something like this....

 TNamedFontItem = class
   constructor Create(AFontID, AFontDesc : string);
   property FontID : string ....
   property FontDesc : string ....

The above class is used for the mappings.  You need to store a list of
mappings somewhere.  In fpGUI I could to this in the Style class.  In
Lazarus this would maybe live in TApplication or TScreen.  For
example:      FNamedFonts : TList;

You would also need some methods to work with the mappings... and
return a TFont.

   function    GetNamedFontDesc(AFontID : string) : string;
   function    CreateNamedFont(AFontID : string) : TFont;
   procedure   SetNamedFont(AFontID, AFontDesc : string);

You can then register whatever font mappings (Named Fonts) you need.

 SetNamedFont('Label1', 'Arial-10');
 SetNamedFont('Label2', 'Arial-10:bold');
 SetNamedFont('Edit1', 'Arial-10');
 SetNamedFont('Edit2', 'Courier New-10');
 SetNamedFont('List', 'Arial-10');
 SetNamedFont('Grid', 'Arial-9');
 SetNamedFont('GridHeader', 'Arial-9:bold');
 SetNamedFont('Menu', 'Arial-10');

Then in the application do this...


The '#' indicates the Named Font.  Without a '#' would indicate the
exact font name and no lookup would be needed (tip thanks to LPTK
I guess you could remove the '#' bit as well, but I think it is a good
idea, so you can differentiate between named fonts and actual font
names - and use a consistent method (gGetFont) throughout your
application for assigning fonts.

 - Graeme -

On 12/14/06, Micha Nelissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> About 'header': Most often the font name will be the same, but the size
> or the style will be different.
> Maybe better:
> AControl.Font.Assign(GetDefaultHeaderFont)

Yes, ok, but my point was that the user could make up his own needs for
his/her application and use those. 'header' was just an example, and
defining a function like this seems like a hardcoded way.

Maybe GetDefaultFont(dfHeader), with additionally RegisterFont(....)
which returns an integer to you can pass to GetDefaultFont.

Not sure where this 'mapping' could be stored, maybe in the project
(unit) resources ?


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Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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