On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:08:03 +0200
Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schreef:
> > What other doubts do we have about this subject?
> I spoke with Marc on irc (#lazarus-ide).
> There were two open issues, for which I wanted feedback of other
> developers. 
> 1. Is this cross platform (actually  cross widget set)
> enough to warrant implementation in LCLIntf or just win32 specific
> like TWin32WidgetSet.AppHandle.
> Our conclusion is that is cross platform enough, certainly for win32,
> you said it can be easily ported to qt, Marc saw some possibility for
> porting to X and therefore gtk.
> 2. Where should DefWindowProc be called? By the client in MyWndProc
> as is done in Delphi code or by the WidgetSet specific code?
> We could add a LCLIntf.DefWindowProc,  but decided not to do that and
> that it is best to do it in the WidgetSet specific code. That way it
> gives us a bit more room to implement AllocateHWnd on other widget
> sets.

This thread is quite large, so maybe I missed some information.
As far as I can see, AllocateHWnd is used by some Delphi apps to
receive messages (?) without having a visible window and feed them into
a TMethod.
I found some examples on the internet, but they were only sending
custom messages or winapi specific tricks. 
Can someone give a short example or point me to the right mail, where
AllocateHWnd is needed and why it must be implemented in all LCL
interfaces instead of the LCL?

> So, I will commit your latest patch in the bug tracker.


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