
For the Editor Toolbar (add-on) package to work correctly (visually
than is), it needs to grab the glyph associated with each registered
action in the IDE. Unfortunately most menu items have no images.  I'm
trying to solve this problem by creating some artwork, but before I
can continue, I need the following information.

Could somebody please confirm the following details. If there is no
standard, can we please decide on one now!

* What is the recommended image format? XPM?  If so, why are there so
many .BMP and .ICO files in the /images directory. Can we get rid of
the foreign image formats and stick to one format only?  XPM seems to
be perfect. It is small, it's made up of text, so can be included in
units directly and supports transparency.

* What are the standard sizes for the IDE images? For example the menu
images are *not* consistent in size at all!!  Looking at most images I
came to the following conclusions.

 Palette Bar (component) images:  23x23
 Menu images:  16x16
 Button images (next to palette bar): 16x16
 Treeview images (CodeExplorer): 16x16
 Property Editors/Designer images: 16x16

 ... are there any other images I missed?

* Howmany glyphs are supposed to be in each image file?

 single image:
     Palette Bar (component) images
     Treeview images  (CodeExplorer)

 two images (enabled and disabled):
     Menu images
     Button images (next to palette bar)
     Property Editors/Designer images

General Suggestions:
* Can we standardise the same actions with the same images. For
example: Why is the Save menu item got a different image to the Save
button on the Palette Bar (next to components)?

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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