On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:

> On 7/19/07, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It won't be different from the current situation in *nix: you have to
> > use to pass the config dir on the command line if you want to use
> > different config files.
> Yes, but what is the benefit in doing so? This only makes having
> multiple independent lazarus slightly harder. You will likely want to
> have your multiple lazarus with different configurations, or else
> there would be little point in having them, and I think this is a more
> interresting feature on Windows, due to possibilities of PDA
> development.
> I will often have, for example, one subversion lazarus working with
> the latest stable fpc for desktop developed, and a snapshot lazarus
> with 2.1 to easely install the WinCE add-on =)
> In Unix we don't have an option, but on Windows we do.

And why do you not have an option on Unix ??


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