
Back in november, a lot of people here said there would be a bounty
for fixing the major bugs which prevented the use of the Gtk 2 IDE.

This is a somewhat subjective matter, so it would be nice if those
same persons would check now if it's already working ok, or if there
are other things left (and report them).

Recently the shortcut keys and the minimize problem were fixed, so
now, at least for me, the last problem is slow painting. But that
depends if you consider it a serious problem or not. I use a quite old
notebook, and even here this isn't a serious problem.

Another problem will be rewarding the bounty, as a lot of people
contributed. As far as I remember, the bounty was at over 500, which
is very small, but not insignificant. I would propose that we collect
the money and open 1 slot for students that propose working on an area
relevant for 1.0 (like a very small summer of code =) )

thank you for your attention,
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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