> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Berger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 7:00 AM
> To: lazarus@miraclec.com
> Subject: Re: [lazarus] Lazarus IDE crashes while loading form
> It would be interesting to have a list of lines that must be
> removed/changed in a dmf file before conversion to lfm. I have a program
> called dfm2lfm where I include all of these problems that I know of and
> use it as a pre-processor for each .dfm.  It then calls LazRes to
> convert the pre-processed output file. However, I only have a few
> entries to the components I use. Worse yet, if a property I removed is
> later added to the Lazarus component, I will probably never know and it
> will continue to be removed by my pre-processor.
> How would we go about making a list of properties (per component) that
> are different from the dfm?
> Andreas

For the EditorEnabled property the utility dfm2lfm can corrected the
problem, not for the listbox!

The event OnDrawItem is good, but it is necessary recreated in Lazarus (with
the same thing?)

I does not understand why there is this bug?

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