There is something wrong in the newer lazarus revisions, it's in and it causes the GTK2 IDE to die on startup with the error "Failed to create handles" - ditto for any GTK2 apps compiled with it. I am now reverting to R11800 in the hope of just being able to go on with my project.

Here is a sample of the error messages:
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
Exception=Error reading AddCustomerForm.Icon.Data: Failed to create handles
 Stack trace:
 $08115B91  INITCOMPONENT,  line 2706 of lresources.pp
 $08115A0F  INITLAZRESOURCECOMPONENT,  line 2725 of lresources.pp
 $0810ED07  INITRESOURCECOMPONENT,  line 526 of lresources.pp
 $0807A4F2  TCUSTOMFORM__CREATE,  line 1333 of ./include/
$08080CC2 TAPPLICATION__CREATEFORM, line 1607 of ./include/
 $0805B893  main,  line 18 of hawkstoneadmin.lpr
TApplication.HandleException Error reading AddCustomerForm.Icon.Data: Failed to create handles
 Stack trace:
 $08115B91  INITCOMPONENT,  line 2706 of lresources.pp
 $08115A0F  INITLAZRESOURCECOMPONENT,  line 2725 of lresources.pp
 $0810ED07  INITRESOURCECOMPONENT,  line 526 of lresources.pp
 $0807A4F2  TCUSTOMFORM__CREATE,  line 1333 of ./include/
$08080CC2 TAPPLICATION__CREATEFORM, line 1607 of ./include/
 $0805B893  main,  line 18 of hawkstoneadmin.lpr

Hope somebody can help me here.

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