James Chandler Jr wrote:

I need to go back and look more closely, but cursor-setting (for both controls whose cursors work and controls whose cursors don't work) eventually passes thru a SetTempCursor(). But there may be more than one instance of a SetTempCursor() method in there somewhere. Would need to look closer.

I think that CarbonCommon_SetCursor (CarbonPrivateCommon.inc) brings problem.

function CarbonCommon_SetCursor(...
  ACursor := Screen.Cursor;
  if ACursor = crDefault then
    ACursor := AWidget.LCLObject.Cursor;  <-- here is problem

AWidget.LCLObject is TWinControl, so all the time it will parent of our graphic control. To solve problem we must search for child Controls (not WinControls) that are placed on our AWidget.LCLObject.

Carbon is the most difficult (for developing) widgetset for me since I have no Mac :) I hope you or Tomas or Felipe can fix problem. Or I will try myself but later.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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