Hi Giuliano,

Are you testing LCL-fpGUI interface or fpGUI on it's own?  If it's
fpGUI on it's own, could you continue the conversation on the fpGUI
newsgroups please.  Only LCL-fpGUI related issues are appropriate in
this mailing list.

> 1) When closing a form with a combo box, I get a SIGSEV, originated by
> TfpgCustomComboBox.Destroy - FItems.Free
> Is that expected (i.e. work in progress)?

I gather you used the LCL-fpGUI interface? Only about 4 components
have been tested in the LCL-fpGUI interface so far. By 'tested', I
mean they display. If they actually function is another story. ;-)
BTW: I managed to reproduce the error using the LCL-fpGUI interface.
fpGUI on it's own (not LCL integrated) works fine here.

> 2) Canvas test dies with a sigsev, caused by StretchDraw. Removing
> StretchDraw, the rest works fine. Same behavior compiling with Lazarus,
> or standalone.
> Is it a known issue, is it caused by unappropriate fpc version (I'm
> still using fpc 2.0.4) or what?

Oops, forgot to undo some debug code comments I added from a few days
ago. Issue has been fixed in fpGUI trunk revision 412.
BTW:  fpGUI gets tested with FPC 2.0.4, 2.0.5 and 2.2.0 (if memory
serves me well I think even 2.0.2 works)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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