Mattias Gaertner schreef:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:42:43 +0100
Chris Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all -

Attempting to recompile lazarus from command line with 'make'.
(Same problem previously occurred when I tried to rebuild from
lazarus ide). Latest SVN revision for lazarus (12586)
Latest SVN for fpc (3925) - re-compiled/installed OK
(have even deleted local version of lazarus and done a new checkout)
Only one version of fpc.cfg (in  /etc/) with correct links to
OS: Mepis-32 version 6.5 (a variant of debian linux)

Any ideas?

checksum changed means, the compiler found an old ppu.
This can happen, if some files were renamed. Therefore it is
recommended to use 'make clean all' or even 'make cleanall all' after
an svn update.
If this does not work, compile with 'make OPT=-vut > log.txt'. Then
explore the created log.txt.

This was a fpc 2.3.1 bug. AFAIK it has been fixed two days ago.


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