James Chandler Jr wrote:
I've been using Delphi Pro from version 1 thru 2006 (skipped over a few versions).

I really like Lazarus, especially the crossplatform aspects.

Strangely, have been using Delphi Help (very well put-together) for most Lazarus lookup. I first check on the function (easy to find) in Delphi help, then do a file-search in the Lazarus folder to see if the name exists, and double-check to lookup any differences which might exist from the Delphi incarnation.

But a lot of times, you have to know a little bit before you start looking in Lazarus. Some fpc/lazarus stuff is well documented and easy to find 'on the surface'. Other stuff is well hidden.

A trivial example-- Try doing a google search or search the fpc/lazarus websites for documentation on PtInRect. Maybe ya'll have different search tools that recover lots of references, but if I don't know what pas/inc file holds PtInRect, I can't find any easy-to-retrieve info with a web search. I knew I needed PtInRect, but didn't know if Lazarus had one, and didn't know how Lazarus spells it.

Ah.. this is a common issue. While a lot of ppl think all routines you use in delphi are from delphi, it in fact isn't. You have the ones made by Borland which you will find in the rtl or vcl and you have the translation of windows api.
PtInRect is such function. It is defined in the Windows Unit.

Since Lazarus is crossplatform, it doesn't have a windows unit. Most common used winapi functions you normally would find in the windows unit are implemented in the LCIIntf unit.


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