Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
I'd try to compile Zeos Library in a Dll using Lazarus, it comiples, but can't be loaded at least using LoadLibrary in Windows, resulting in an Unknown Run-Time error 202.

Reading in old forums, I found that isn't possible to create forms in dlls because of LCL problems, a bug report was created regarding this issue (check this: http://www.freepascal.org/mantis/view.php?id=7181 ), but it seems to be frozen.

Not frozen, but the target is set to post 1.0. That means that at least the developers won't adress it now.

My think my problem is related to that bug, because I can create the dll using straight FPC from command line and it works correctly.

Creating dlls is not the problem, but anything TAppliation related cannot be used in a dll. (delphi uses some hhoks to connect the TAppliation instance in the dll to the one in the mainapp)

Does anyone addressed the issue? any positive feedback?


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