
Environment: win32, Lazarus SVN 13347, fpc SVN 9468

In Lazarus, I have a simple query that uses a parameter: select * from test_cld where code = :code; I am defining it at design time using the object inspector. I set the property parameters to ftString and ptInput, save everything, and close the form, and open it again.

If I view the lfm source, it get:

Params = < item
       DataType = ftString
       Name = 'code'
       ParamType = ptInput

as expected, but in the object inspector, the datatype and Paramtype are back to ftUnknown and ptUnknown.

Further, even if I fix them and run the app, I get an error 'unknown field type for parameter "code"', which implies that the same thing is happening. (With the correct values in the parameter I can open the query at design time).

I can't find any reference to this in mantis - has anyone else had the problem ?

John Sunderland

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