Hi all,

I am writing a little app with Lazarus (SVN 13389) wich has two toolbars
with several buttons each.
There is an action list with some actions assinged to toolbar buttons, some
to main menu items, and some to both.
I droped a TImageList, added some 16X16 pixels bitmaps with a fuchsia
background , and assigned the image list to the toolbar and menus, and each
image index to the buttons and menu items.
At design-time, when I first open the  Imagelist dialog, the bitmaps
disappear from buttons and menu items.
Closing Lazarus and starting it again, and the bitmaps show up again.
That's anoying, but I can live with that.
The problem is that the images show up with the fuchsia background.
I think I have tried all the possible combinations of bkColor, BlendColor,
DrawingStyle, etc.. for the imagelist, but there is no way to have
I loaded one more bitmap with a white background, and with bkColor and
BlendColor set to clWhite, it works.
Any hints?



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