* Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Fri, 28 Dec 2007 15:15:31 +0100]:
Andrey Gusev schreef:
> It may be explained by a few words ?
> I don't wish discuss is it useful or harmful, correctly or
> it important for me, to undestand: for what ?

Maybe I don't understand you without an example, but if you have a
without implementation, you cannot compile the program, so an empty
event handler
implementation is created, so that you can compile the project.

background was http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=10455, have sample, constructed from real rpoblem.
Empty duplicate body of my own procedure was inserted.

As i undestand: for all declared unimplemented procedures will be inserted implementations.
It right guessed rule ?

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