I want to participate in the google android contest.

I want to argue to google that the lazarus object pascal platform is a better choice than Java.

I use the gentoo benchmark as a means make a case of it see http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/

In this benchmark game :-) you can find interesting things in the regex-dna benchmark.
In this benchmark Java has as ranking of 4 and free pascal a ranking of 6.
the cputime of Java is 3.26 seconds, Free Pascal takes 4.37 seconds.
But the the memory usage of Java is 50.736 Kb, Free Pascal 11.436 Kb. So Free Pascal is much more memory efficient.

But of you look further on this benchmark then you see a very interesting alternative program :: Free Pascal #3 !
this Free Pascal  Program uses 1.10 seconds and uses 19.604 Kb of memory.

So in this benchmark you can see that Free Pascal is much better than Java.
But this Free Pascal #3  is more  complex  than the original program.

Optimization is a complex process. To reduce this complexity we have to reverse enginer both programs.
The steps I want  to  follow is :
Document the program with Fpdoc. and my goal is to produce UML documentation. The Ecliopse Ide has plugins to accomplish this goal , for example there is a hypermodel plugin.
In UML you can document Software Programs very well.
And the complex optimization process becomes much clearer

Regards Wim

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