Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

How does the IDE determine the target OS/CPU if none is specified for a project ?

Apparently, it takes the same OS/CPU combination as the one the IDE itself was compiled with.

In my opinion, this is wrong. It should see what compiler was selected,
and use the OS/CPU combination that this compiler reports.


- I use the i386/Linux IDE.
- No target OS/CPU has been specified.
- I select the ppcx64 compiler in the Environment options.
- The IDE constructs all paths with units/i386-linux.
- Recompile IDE.

Of course, compilation fails. All goes well for the LCL/IDE
because the makefile detects that it needs x86_64-linux, but
compiling the packages fails, because the IDE constructs all paths with 386-linux...

The same is true for any other project as well, of course.

I think that this behaviour should be changed to the same behaviour as used by the makefile: detecting the default
OS/CPU of the used compiler.

Or that at least there should be an option to allow the choice between:
- Always use IDE CPU/OS combination
- Detect compiler CPU/OS and use that.

Opinions, comments ?

IIRC, this was a todo to base CPU/OS on selected compiler.
(I've the same issues when compiling on win32/64 for wince/arm)

OTOH, (I've only heard this, not tried) if you set fpc as compiler the correct flags are passed, st fpc can choose the correct compiler


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