Andreas Berger wrote:
I never used LazReport, but do use FastReport in some Delphi projects. The problem is that I would like to embed the report into a form. FastReport (LazReport) can't do this.
Could I have some idea as to what you are using to generate reports? Do you use internal report generators like :LazReport or external ones? LazReport seems to be an incomplete implementation of FreeReport which is also way outdated. Can some one please give me some hints.
I use lazreport, it works good. Not perfect but ok.
Iam underway to add frChart wit TAChart again.
I think its an good start to make it more stable and add missing features.

I tried LazReport yesterday and it was unworkable for me. Just adding a single detail and group bands hooked up to Zeos/Firebird was enough to make it AV.

Looks like its coming along pretty well on the other hand. Kudos for developers who have/are porting it to lazarus.

Warm Regards,


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