I am drawing small 16x16 bitmaps onto cells in TStringGrid, but having a problem with TStringGrid.Canvas.FillRect. In Delphi, the code below worked:

 lBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
   ExtenImages.GetBitmap(iIndex, lBitmap);
   with (Sender as TStringGrid).Canvas do
       Draw(aRect.Right - lBitmap.Width - 2 , aRect.Top, lBitmap);
       // (1) usually code here to redraw text in cell

The problem I have is that after I call FillRect(), the cell's text is still there. Usually I would put code in after I draw the bitmap (1), to redraw cell's text, but the original text drawn on the cell previously does not get cleared with FilleRect() and I end with two copies of the drawn text at different position in the cell. Not quite the position to make it look 3d if you know what I mean.

My current workaround is to not redraw the text in the OnDraw event and to draw the bitmap right aligned in the cell as you can see above.

Anyway, not sure if it's a difference between delphi and lazarus versions of TStringGrid and I need to compensate for it or maybe its a "software runtime inconsistency" as I like to tell my customers ;)

Warm Regards,


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