On Feb 8, 2008 3:43 PM, Lee Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ik wrote:
> > Wow, cool application. What version of Asterisk does your manager works 
> > with ?
> >
> > Ido
> >
> Thanks guys,
> I'm on Asterisk 1.2.12 here at my office, but I'd assume that it would work on
> 1.4 as well.  I don't think they made any breakable changes to AMI in 1.4.

There are additions to 1.4 and 1.6

> A business associate introduced me to Asterisk a year or so ago and I'm 
> addicted
> to it since.  This current project is actually a rewrite of one of 3 existing
> products that I've written for Asterisk (not counting AGI apps, etc) already.

I worked at a company that developed applications above Asterisk,
until they stopped developing, and now I'm a freelancer in this field.
I also added support for Asterisk to "talk" in proper Hebrew (the
recordings are from a person that does it for a living), and now I'm
writing some Asterisk module for a test, I'll release it under GPL.
And I'm also the co-editor of www.asterisk.org.il :)

> http://www.datatrakpos.com/pos/datatalk/Default.aspx
> (Delphi)
> http://www.datatrakpos.com/pos/datatalk/asterpas.aspx
> (Lazarus/Freepascal/Rem PascalScript)
> http://www.datatrakpos.com/pos/datatalk/maestro.aspx
> (Delphi - currently being re-written in lazarus)
> I've also written several little applications including a wrapper around
> AGI/FastAGI for ObjectPascal, Cepstral Swift AGI Wrapper, etc.

I started working on AGI/FastAGI library for lnet 6 months ago, but I
do not have time to finish it (and it requires some rewrite).

> Someone else in our office is working on integration between Asterisk and our
> P.O.S. application for for use with Drive Thru's, Pizza Delivery operations 
> as well.
> Asterisk is a lot like FreePascal/Lazarus.  Once its under your skin, its
> difficult to dig it out!

Well, if Asterisk would have written in FPC, then things would be even
better ;) But Mark told us (I met him last year) that he loves C :(

> --
> Warm Regards,
> Lee
> "Everything I needed to learn in life, I learned selling encyclopedias door to
> door."


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