Am 15.08.10, 09:32 -0500 schrieb Bob Friesenhahn:
> On Sun, 15 Aug 2010, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
>> Grepping the sources did not show a cmsFloat16Number type. Am I right in
>> that Half is currently not supported by lcms?
> Half support is quite challenging since there very little free sofware which 
> supports converting to and from Half.  OpenEXR is not suitable since it would 
> represent a huge C++ dependency with limited portability.  There is some 
> portable C code which was contributed to the GraphicsMagick project which 
> could be used in lcms to provide Half (and 24-bit float) support.  The 
> performance is unknown but it seems to work fine (at least visually) for 
> sample 16 and 24-bit float TIFF files provided by Adobe.

HALF support in lcms seems quite a good option to me.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management +

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