Hi Roger,

Thanks for let me know. I appreciate you Spanish, but since this is CC  
to the mailing list, and I think the subject may be interesting for  
other people as well, I would kindly continue the conversation in  
English. Hope this is ok to you :-)

Ok, about DLL building, this should be easy. Just load the project  
into Visual studio. I will commit the 2013 project in few weeks, but  
2010 does work as well as well in VS2013. Choose whatever 32 or 64  
bits in the solution platform combo, choose release in the solution  
configuration combo, right click lcms2_dll project and select "build".  
This should be enough to compile and create the DLL. The binary of the  
DLL will be placed in the "bin" directory.

Then for accessing the functions, those are using the  
_declspec(dllexport) convention, which is more or less the standard in  
windows DLL. I don't know much c#, but a sample interface could be  
like the free pascal one. You could locate this API interface in  
utils/delphi folder.

I would not translate the full lcms2 API because as you already noted,  
it is huge! Instead, just open profile, create transform and do  
transform would be enough for many applications. Once you get this  
simple interface working, you could try more complex things.

Converting single colors is like converting pixels. I would recommend  
the tutorial, if you can deal with the step-by-step example, I guess  
you would know how to translate colors.

Please let me know any issues you would have. Good luck!


BTW, my first language is actually *catalan* wich is sort of half way  
between french and spanish. Never mind, it is cool you talk to me in  
spanish, though. :-D

Quoting Roger Breton <gr...@videotron.ca>:

> First of all, Maria, I want to recognize the COLOSSAL amount of trabajo that
> LittleCMS represent -- es mas grande que la montana de Gilbraltar!
> It took me a while to get to donde estoy ahora. No estoy perdido pero hay
> mucho de saber!
> I use MS VisualStudio2013 and my target platform is Windows. At this stage,
> I don't care about portability.
> I managed to compile lcms2.dll.
> Puedo ver todas las functiones con un programma "DLL Export Viewer".
> But before I take the dive to try write calls por cada functiones from C#, I
> want to be able to get to know LittleCMS a little better.
> So I was able to execute transicc.exe. I think it's the most logical place
> to start.
> I have to say how impressed and horrified at the amount of memory management
> that must be done in C in order to declare and instantiate variables. It is
> mind-boggling. Structures, pointers, arrays, de-referencing, facilmente el
> media (half) de todo el codigo es dedicated to malloc and checking bounds
> and all kinds of type safeties, in order to prevent the program from
> crashing. I understand there could be a lot of junk in these ICC profiles
> pero it makes tracing through the logic of the execution doloroso. (At this
> stage, I don't care for this low-level code :()
> The functions that decode the profile are HUGE. There is a lot of code
> involved. Tracing through ALL that code is quite an effort.
> I am not a seasoned C programmer like you and many others on this list.
> I looked at the documentation of the API (LittleCMS2.6 tutorial.pdf) pero no
> hay section dedicated to converting simple colors like RGB values 128, 128,
> 128 to CMYK or Lab or XYZ, the way transicc offers? Most examples in the PDF
> related to transforming bitmaps. I want to get to transforming images at
> some point in time, de verdad, pero, to begin, yo quiero trabajar con simple
> values -- and away from pixels and complex image formats.
> Entonces, muchas gracias por todo. I will try to continue my adventure in
> LittleCMS ;-)
> / Roger Breton
> (Desculpa por mi espanol, no tengo mucha opportunidad di praticare...)
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