> Thanks, Noel. This is not for display on monitor. JPEG 2000 supports embedded 
> ICC profiles, and I am 

> trying to use the profile when decoding the image.


I guess I'm still not clear:  Why are you transforming the data into another 
color space?


If you're trying to decode it then save it as another kind of file (e.g., .tiff 
or .jpg or something that can carry its own color profile tag), maybe you 
should consider just maintaining the color profile it's already got.


What I'm saying is that maybe you just want to decode the data, then save the 
data in another file, and tag that file with the same profile the JPEG2000 file 
started with, making no color transformation on the decoded data at all.  
LittleCMS need not be involved with that.


As Marti mentioned, if you DO want to transform the color values into a 
different color space, you need to specify what that color space is.




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