Hi all,

the shorewall init script for 6.0.1 in /etc/init.d/shorewall currently 
reads (relevant part only):


start() {
         echo "Starting IPv4 shorewall rules..."
         [ -x /usr/sbin/mount_modules ] && /usr/sbin/mount_modules
         /sbin/shorewall $OPTIONS start $STARTOPTIONS
         [ -x /usr/sbin/umount_modules ] && /usr/sbin/umount_modules

stop() {
         echo "Stopping IPv4 shorewall rules..."
         /sbin/shorewall stop

refresh() {
         echo "Refreshing IPv4 shorewall rules..."
         /sbin/shorewall refresh $REFRESHOPTIONS

reload() {
         echo "Reloading IPv4 shorewall rules..."
         /sbin/shorewall reload $RELOADOPTIONS

restart() {
         echo "Restarting IPv4 shorewall rules..."
         /sbin/shorewall restart $RESTARTOPTIONS


Shouldn't mount_modules and umount_modules also be called for 
"restart()" (possibly also for "refresh()" and "reload()") ?

I've been trying to figure out why I couldn't get DNAT to work 
(shorewall always terminated with an error during "svi shorewall 
restart" after me updating /etc/shorewall/rules).

By doing

svi shorewall stop
svi shorewall start

it finally worked.

I assume that was because the DNAT directive triggered additional 
modules to be loaded, which can only work if the modules directory is 

Any thoughts?


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