David Douthitt wrote:

> Ewald Wasscher wrote:
>> David Douthitt wrote:
>>> I've had my interest renewed in updating Eigerstein, with the
>>> realization that Eigerstein ash is broken.  I seem to remember having
>>> problems with ash in LRP too, but with some patches I received from
>>> Erik Andersen (seems to me) I managed to recompile ash and now it
>>> works.
>> What version of ash are you using if I may ask? I have been wondering
>> about that before.
> I'm not sure; I think it must be 0.35 with patches from Erik
> Andresen.  I tried to compile 0.37 (back then, and now) and it didn't
> work.
With a few tricks due to different versions of dpkg on slink and woody I 
managed to compile the ash-medium-0.3.7 from debian-woody on slink with 
updated gcc, binutils and byacc. I commented out the lines for ash-small 
in debian/rules. dpkg-buildpackage fails, but when it does you have a 
working sh already. So far at least shorewall seems to work with this shell.

Ewald Wasscher

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