7Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

>I've downloaded the 20010527 version of the updated ES2B image (I'm playing
>with the 1680K version).
>After a very brief examination (only about 30 minutes), I created the
>following list of things that still need to happen.  This is probalby not
>everything, but I won't have time to really pound on things until later.
>Note several items are minor things that simply need to be addresses to make
>a clean distribution.
>- The distribution needs a name...again, I'd prefer Ewald to name it, since
>he's been doing all the work
I have 2 options in mind. The first one is "Dachstein", which is a 
mountain in the Hohe Tauern (Austria iirc). This would make a more or 
less obvious connection to Eigerstein. The other one is "Alpamayo" 
(Cordillera Blanca, Peru) which is considered one of (if not the-) the 
most beautiful mountains on earth by many. I tend to favor Dachstein a 
little. Any opinions?

>- The syslinux splash screen should be changed.  It should probably refer to
>the leaf sourceforge project.  We may also want to pull the links to
>linuxrouter.org, but I'm not sure about this...
That was more or less on my todo list. Perhaps pull the links to 
linuxrouter and put them in the readme.txt. And if we want to waste 
disk-space we can add a graphical splash-screen! (.e.g with the leaf-logo)

>- The readme file needs to be updated with (at minimum) new links and new
>instructions for e3 rather than ae as the editor
This was on the todo-list too.

>- The readme instructions need to be verified (ie put on LUser hat & walk
>through the readme like a newbie, making sure nothing unexpected happens).
I'll ask a friend to do a beta test, or perhaps my parents :-)

>And on to 'real' changes required/desired:
>- I'd like to see the java bandwidth applet added to the weblet package
OK, what about Justin Ribiero's modifications George Metz mentions on 
his pages? I haven't tried these though.

>- I'd like dnscache to be run by the daemontools package, if it doesn't
>require too much disk space...this should help keep things standardized, and
>make tinydns package maintainence easier
Good, I agree.

>- Use the ramlog package instead of the log package...this puts the logs on
>a seperate ramdisk, avoiding the full ramdisk issues, which are the most
>likely thing to kill a working LRP system.
This was on my todo list for another release, as well as support for 
loading kernel modules from linuxrc. What do people think about that 
last point?

>- Remove old dhcpd and dhclient leases...that these are around is my fault,
>as they are getting backed up with root.  I need to add an exclude.list file
>to each package.
>- Modify the dhclient.conf file to properly generate an /etc/resolv.conf
>that uses the local dnscache
>- Update the network scripts...I need to fold my proxy-arp and Extended
>scripts V1.1 together and create what will likely be the last of the
>'mountain' firewall script derivations.
If I understand the description of the 1.1 scripts on 
lrp.steinkuehler.net correctly these are an extension of the 1.0 
scripts, and incoporate all of the 1.0 features? Before I was worried 
about 1.1 not supporting port-forwarded dmz servers.

>I'd like to see future images use
>seawall, rcf, or similar.
I think it's a good thing to leave firewall scripts to the experts. I 
used to make my own until I realized that others did it very much better.

>I will take care of updating dhcpd.lrp & dhclient.lrp, and the network
>script mods, but probably not until Tuesday.  The rest of the work is up for
>grabs by anyone who wants to tackle it...
Like eh, me? I'll leave dnscache to Jacques of course. Does anyone think 
it makes sense to use the "new" FORWARDONLY option (since djbdns 1.03)? 
It seems to me that especially on a slow dialup line it will be slower 
to let the firewall do dns-resolution than to use the ISP nameservers.

Ewald Wasscher

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