Ángel Martín Alganza wrote:

> That's really cool. It's an approach I wasn't "thinking" before. I very much like 
>it... I now see the
> point of you wanting to have many nic modules on the floppy.

Well, the reason for those was so that the disk would be ready to go for
almost every user out there, then the 5% remaining can get a module from
somewhere and put it onto the Oxygen disk - Oxygen will then load it
automatically (though without parameters).

> > Thus the "set" is not the computer or the network card, but rather the
> > functions desired by the user at the time.
> Cool! Really cool!

You can configure a list of packages in a file, and store separate files
in the download directory; or you could have the same named file in
every directory, and have separate directory.  Depending on which file
you loaded, it would load a particular set of files.

> > Almost sounds as if my network loading is more powerful than this more
> > traditional network boot.
> Of course, it is. Again... I was thinking about a LAN... actually, I think most of 
>the time about two
> very similar scenarios: my class-room (I teach BioInformatics) and my brother's 
>WebCafé... in both
> places I like to have thin diskless clients booting from floppy as straigth forward 
>as possible. I
> mean... just drop in the floppy, turn on the system... wait for some seconds and 
>start working... you
> know.
> Your network loading is more than that, yes... it's a really nice approach for 
>booting a system
> anywhere on the net and loading from a kind-of-public server. Am I wrong on that?

No, you are right about that.  I was thinking of scenarios like this:

Insert disk at some random (client site?) computer, load network tools
from Anonymous FTP server out in the Internet (SourceForge??) and zap -
instant network tools from one disk.  Next time, the client needs a
system rescued: load the rescue packages.

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