
Following problem:
Using Dachstein and creating a separate ramdisk /dev/ram1 for 
/var/log malfunctions lrp.conf spacecheck.
I think the spacecheck intention is to monitor /var/log, cause there 
are the most changes in file size during the routers lifetime and 
running out of space in /var/log causes several errors - sshd won't 
start, pppoe connections won't be established after disconnection 
etc. - all leading to router which can't be controlled remotely.

Further investigation showed that multicron-p only looks for / when 
checking free space - which is useless, once you have a separate 
ramdisk for /var/log.

Dummy solution, and this is what I did:
add a parameter lrp_CHK_PART to lrp.conf and change multicron-p to 
use $lrp_CHK_PART in lrp.conf updatefree()

Enhanced solution:
lrp_CHK_PART should allow several partitions which will be checked 
and free'ed or at least a sending a mail with mailadmin(). 


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