Greetings, All

Mike Noyes has a charming way of getting newbies to introduce themselves to
the group. Who would think that such an innocent request is just as loaded
as ... well you know what I mean.

When I first laid eyes on a computer, I was seventeen years old. I know, I
know it's kind of late but you have to understand: the year was 1970. The
fact that I am still programming all kinds of things makes me a living
dinosaur!  I still have the same girlfriend, which must make me a lovable
beast, but I did pick up four kids that somewhat slowed down my coding :-) .

My contribution to LEAF, for now, is PacketFilter, available at

PacketFilter innovates in its packaging by referencing a "base" LEAF (LRP)
distribution that should be "loosely" common to "appliances" such as
PacketFilter. For now, the bootdisk contains a verbatim copy of Charles's
Dachstein 1.02 root,etc,log,local files. By reusing a common "enclosure" for
several "appliances" you get a faster development cycle. In this instance,
PacketFilter is packaged as an "appliance" on top of an "appliance".

PacketFilter itself is not bad :-). If you use it as is, you can manage as
many NICs as you can fit in the box in a combo bridge/router/NATer of your
choice. So the next time you say the router will be up in 15 minutes, it
will only be TWICE that time :-)... However, the software is designed to be
transformed into something custom made and allows various facilities
expected a development environment. It is still LEAF and it can and should
use all the LRP packages out there. This was my primary motivation for
writing it in the first place.

As you can see by how this introduction shifted from me to the product, I am
a project oriented person. I look forward to all your comments.


Serge Caron

Leaf-devel mailing list

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