>I'm curious about /etc/group modification?
>I've upgraded two (2) potato's and two (2) woody's.  Yes, there is a 
>new user in passwd/shadow; but, I do not have any new group for 
>Yes, I have seen the instructions for installing manually; but, I 
>cannot find a reason for the special group.
>What do you think?

Good question.  I wondered the same thing, figured "'cause Theo said 
so.." and dismissed it.  But after you asked, I checked the source... 

sshd.c in privsep_preauth_child does a setgid() from the sshd's 
primary group (in passwd) when setting up the chroot jail.  The 
manual instructions make sure that the uid:gid is sshd:sshd.  
So I guess "'cause Theo said so" works. :-)

I'm curious though, on your debian systems, what is the gid for the 
sshd user?  The sshd.c source seems to indicate that sshd will fail 
if the group doesn't exist.

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