Thanks for the feedback!
From: Erich Titl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thu 7/11/2002 11:37 AM 

>It will be great to have that much autoconfiguration in the 'weblet'.
>Do you think it would be a big overhead to run this 'real time' e.g. when
>the dashboard is requested. That way even a modification on a running
>machine would immediately be reflected in the weblet.

Actualy, the object of this particular automation is only to capture changes to the 
LEAF configuation as it relates to added packages of any type, including weblet 
addons.  This functionality basicaly mirrors what lrcfg is doing (I have not looked 
under the hood of lrcfg, but the result is the same) to automaticly include the 
configuration menu's/files for any packages you add.  As the process for this is to 
copy the package file to the media and then boot the system, this automation only 
needs to happen at startup.
There certainly will be other forms of automation within weblet that will be realtime. 
 Actualy, there is now.  If you look at the Weblet Dev Demo ( you can 
see that the source link at the botom of the page gives you all the source files for 
the weblet.  This script simply gives you what it finds in a few key folders under 
/var/sh-www.  Any files that are added are then automaticaly included.  This is very 
simple but does ilustrate the point.
As the weblet is only realy intended for one or at most just a few users, performance 
is of very little concern.  Not that it is not something to keep in mind, just not a 
top priority.
Richard Amerman

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