Hi Mike

At 08:43 30/08/02 -0700, Mike Noyes wrote:
>On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 08:18, Julian Church wrote:
> > I got a
> > bit confused with editing the log file, so didn't put anything at all, and
> > I don't know what to do to control the version numbers either - the CVS
> > says the file is at 1.1 but I was going to call this version 1.2.1.
>Log messages are important to let other project members know what you
>did with your modification/addition. You can see examples of this in our
>cvs-commits list archive.

Thanks for the link.  I see the kind of thing I should have done now.  Is 
there any way to go back and amend my log message?

>The CVS version numbers are for CVS, and have little or nothing to do
>with release version numbers.

Right - I may have messed up a bit then.  I've based my version numbers on 
those I found in CVS for the original developer guide, developer.rtf.  From 
what you say that might have been a mistake.

>Tags are used to indicate release

Tags?  You mean in the XML, or is this another CVS thing?

>Maybe someone else will have the time to attend to the creation of the
>other formats.

I'm still working on it - I'll let you know if I get anywhere.




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