Erich,   Thanks for your comments.

On Wednesday 08 December 2004 14:56, Erich Titl wrote:
> Nathan
> I am trying to upgrade webconf to the latest beta and to my environment.
> A few questions arise.
> - The left menu bar in my case has a Networking and a System entry along
> with entries for and root.sys.
> It appears that the menu entries are generated by looking into the
> /var/lib/lrpkg directory for *.conf files. Is there a way to restrict
> them to specific entries only?

What you are looking at is the "expert" menu builder (more on why later on),
and the menu is built in  Right now it is how you describe
it - For the "expert" menu set, there's no way to do finer grain control.

Long term, I'd like to have some way to have a "field installed" script to
build the menu, but I'm not sure how to do that.

So for now, the answer is "you would have to write a new"

I'd be happy for help! :-)

> - I have set the GUI style to basic but it appears there is no link to
> the expert style, although there is a /etc/webconf/webconf-expert file.

I answered a similar question on leaf-user and should have cross-posted.

It sounds like you have webonf.lrp and webconf.lwp installed, but not any of
the "basic" lwp's.  Depending on which .lwp's you loaded,  webconf is smart
enough to only show the "switch to" link if you have a different menuset to
switch to.

The pages in the base webconf.lrp belong to the "all" menuset - they get
absorbed into whatever menuset you are currently viewing.   If you load only
webconf.lrp, then you have neither "Basic" or "Expert" - but just the "all"
set.  There's no menuset to switch to, so the link isn't shown.

The pages in the webconf.lwp belong to the "expert" menuset.   So if you load
webconf.lrp + webconf.lwp, then you will have the Expert menu set, but not
the "Basic" menuset.   In this case, only the Expert menuset  (with the
abosorbed "all" pages) is available.  There is still nothing to switch to,
and the link isn't shown.

To get the Expert/Basic switch, you must load lwp's that include more than
 one menuset.  Currently, the Basic menus are in dropbear.lwp and
 keyboard.lwp. So the minimum set to load to see the swich to item in the
 menu is:

webconf.lrp + webconf.lwp + dropbear.lwp [or] keyboard.lwp

In your case, even though the /var/webconf/webconf.conf says to load "basic",
"expert" is the only one you have available, so "expert" is what you see.

Webconf's menu management tries to do "the right thing," but it seems to be 
causing confusion...


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