
There is a possible bug in linuxrc (at least with the busybox of Bering) when trying to create and mount the /tmp filesystem.

Here is the output from /linuxrc.err

mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=20M
mount: Mounting tmpfs on /tmp failed: Invalid argument
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=20M

I extended linuxrc a little to get the debug info. It appears as if the tmpfs mount does not like the parameter substitution used for tmp_size

here is the relevant code

[ "$VERBOSE" ] && Lecho "Generating /tmp & /var/log partitions ..."
echo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp ${tmp_size:+-o size=$tmp_size} >> /linuxrc.err
qt mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp ${tmp_size:+-o size=$tmp_size}
echo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=$tmp_size >> /linuxrc.err
qt mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=$tmp_size

as you can see, the second mount appears to work, this is with tmp_size set to 20M in leaf.cfg

When not setting tmp_size in leaf.cfg the following results appear

mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=

Of course my debug code fails, but apparently the original code works....

now this is the code which appears to work in both circumstances, it lacks the elegance of the substitution, but helas...

[ "$VERBOSE" ] && Lecho "Generating /tmp & /var/log partitions ..."
[ "$tmp_size" ] && qt mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp -o size=$tmp_size
[ ! "$tmp_size" ] && qt mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp



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