KP, here's a change I'd like to see implemented in the kernel. It removes the old hard-coded keyboard controller check code for a much more simple runtime detection of the keyboard. With this patch, there will be no more reason to produce two different kernels for B-U afaik.

Everything goes in the linux top level directory

buildtool.cfg has replaced the old patch with the new one has been fixed to call the new patch and ALSO
        srcclean cleans openswan_dir
kbc_runtime_detect_2_4.diff.gz is the new patch

Please send me e-mail with any questions.

# buildtool make file for buildenv
# $Id:,v 1.15 2005/07/29 21:19:10 espakman Exp $
# Note that this is some kind of a hack as you normally should do things 
# not the way they are handled here 



        bzcat $(KERNEL_SOURCE) | tar -xvf -
        ln -s linux-2.4.31 linux        
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH1) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH2) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH3) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH4) | patch -d linux -p1 
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH5) | patch -d linux -p1                              
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH6) | patch -d linux -p1                              
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH7) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH8) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH9) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH10) | patch -d linux -p1
        zcat $(KERNEL_PATCH11) | patch -d linux -p1
        # openswan stuff
        zcat $(OPENSWAN_SOURCE) | tar -xvf -
        # this patches the kernel - so we'll do it here
        cp $(LINUX_CONFIG) linux/.config 
        touch $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.source

$(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.configured: $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.source
        perl -i -p -e 's,EXTRAVERSION\s*=.*,EXTRAVERSION =,g' 
        $(MAKE) -C linux oldconfig
        $(MAKE) -C linux include/linux/version.h
        touch $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.configured       

source: $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.source $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.configured

build:  $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.configured
        echo "nothing done here right now, all done by buildenv and kernel 

        -rm $(BT_LINUX_DIR)/.configured
        $(MAKE) -C linux clean

        rm -rf linux
        rm -rf linux-2.4.31
        rm -rf $(OPENSWAN_DIR)
# things for kernel source

        Type = http
        Name =
        Serverpath = /pub/linux/kernel/v2.4

<File linux-2.4.31.tar.bz2>
        Server =
        envname = KERNEL_SOURCE

        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux
        Revision = HEAD

<File helpers-2.4.29.patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH1
        Revision = HEAD

<File ebtables-brnf-9_vs_2.4.30.diff.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH2
        Revision = HEAD

<File linux-2.4.25-mppe-20040216.patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH3
        Revision = HEAD

<File grsecurity-2.1.6-2.4.31-200506141150.patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH4
        Revision = HEAD

<File wd1100_patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH5
        Revision = HEAD

<File netconfig.diff.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH6
        Revision = HEAD

<File kbc_runtime_detect_2_4.diff.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH7
        Revision = HEAD

#connmark support
<File connmark.patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH8
        Revision = HEAD

#wireless extensions v18
<File iw249_we17-13.diff.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH9
        Revision = HEAD
<File iw240_we18-5.diff.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH10
        Revision = HEAD
#fix ipv6 bug
<File ipv6-2.4.31.patch.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux/patches
        envname = KERNEL_PATCH11
        Revision = HEAD

<File Bering-2.4.31.config>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        Directory = linux
        envname = LINUX_CONFIG
        Revision = HEAD

<File openswan-1.0.9.tar.gz>
        Server = cvs-sourceforge
        envname = OPENSWAN_SOURCE
        directory = openswan
        revision = HEAD

Attachment: kbc_runtime_detect_2_4.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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