Hi Charles,

> You don't understand how subversion works.  
I never claimed otherwise ;-)

> It's like a file-system and
> making a tag or branch is like copying a directory.  Everything
> underneath is copied too.
Well, to me, the way things are stored in the backend are pretty much
meaningless (looking at CVS from an API point of view, one would never
guess that it stores diffs).
I'll repeat, that all I know about subversion is hearsay, but from what
I heard, the command line interface can be used pretty much
interchangeably instead of cvs - so how exactly does it matter that
subversion handles branches differently internally?

It seems that the difference you're referring to below is mainly in the
web-interface (from a user's perspective), right?

> So...you can set the repository root in buildtool to either:
> https://my.svn.org/svn/bering-uclibc/trunk/
> ...or...
> https://my.svn.org/svn/bering-uclibc/Release_1.0/
>From what you describe, it would indeed make it a lot easier to add
support for building something for a specific branch in buildtool.

> and it should go without saying (but I'll
> say it anyway! :) that after copying, changes made to one branch (ie:
> trunk/file1) will not affect another branch (ie: branches/Release_1.0)
> unless you explicitly merge the changes (with the various merge commands
> or by manually backporting).
Well, I guess that's what branches are all about ;-)


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